Amazon animal rescue brings hope from blazes great and small

Young journalists club

News ID: 47812
Publish Date: 11:24 - 08 September 2020
Tuesday, 08 September 2020_Xita, a tiny monkey with sad brown eyes, clutches her newborn tight. Both are fighting for their lives.

Xita, a tiny monkey with sad brown eyes, clutches her newborn tight. Both are fighting for their lives.

Amazon animal rescue brings hope from blazes great and small

Vets working at the Clinidog clinic in the Amazon city of Porto Velho believe the mother and baby were run over by a car as they fled fires raging across the world's largest rainforest.

Amazon animal rescue brings hope from blazes great and small

"She arrived stressed, screaming and smeared with blood," said Carlos Henrique Tiburcio, the owner of the clinic, as he wrapped the pair in a small, white cloth.

"This time of year, when fires are constant due to the absence of rain, the animals seek shelter in desperation to escape death and end up in the city, putting themselves at risk of being run over or captured," said Marcelo Andreani, whose job is to rescue injured animals and bring them to the clinic.

Amazon animal rescue brings hope from blazes great and small

"Human respect for nature is ending," lamented Andreani, who works for the state environmental police.

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