US on the cusp of change that will have global implications

Young journalists club

News ID: 47805
Publish Date: 10:11 - 08 September 2020
Tuesday, 08 September 2020_The situation in Portland (in Oregon) is critical to the overall struggle against police violence, institutional racism in the United States. People have been demonstrating for over 100 days. They have faced down local police, federal agents that were deployed by the Trump White House.

US on the cusp of change that will have global implicationsThey have faced down local police, federal agents that were deployed by the Trump White House. And they've also had to battle the psychological warfare and the propaganda, that's been leveled at the demonstrators by the corporate media, along with the Trump administration.

This is not isolated to Portland; it’s happening all over the United States. People are fed up with police brutality, and quite frankly, they're responding to the social crisis that exists in the United States.

Right now, the situation is complicated, because there's less than two months before the national presidential election. Trump is desperate to win a second term and is willing to continue its massive transfer of wealth from working the people and poor people to the top ruling interest in the United States.

And the administration is using everything, including voter suppression, they're attempting to dismantle the United States Post Office because due to the pandemic a lot of people have to vote via mail, and he’s also labeling the cities where people have been protesting against police brutality, as anarchists have lost control and he's wanting to cut off federal funding to the cities.

And he's also sent in federal troops and vehicles to the various cities. Here in Detroit where I’m, they have what is called operation legend, to be placed in cities across the United States where they're sending in federal agents. Ostensibly that's the plan, but we know that they're here to monitor the developments of the demonstrations.

So people have to continue to be vigilant, because otherwise, if the administration is able to disenfranchise millions of people to repress legitimate free speech and assembly and to continue their war on the working people and the poor and African Americans, the situation will be almost unbearable in the United States.

I believe the consciousness level of people in United States is rising, and therefore it is creating panic on Wall Street, as well as the Trump White House. So it's going to continue. And I believe that there will be major changes coming up in the next few months here in the United States that will have global implications.

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