In his interview with Press TV on Monday, former US Senate candidate Mark Dankof further predicted that the Republican president will be reelected despite polls demonstrating otherwise.
"The Zionist entity controls the candidates and both major political parties. The relationship of Donald Trump and Mike Pence and the Zionist entity is very clear. It's also quite obvious that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the American Israel Public Affairs Committee's choice to be the democratic chicken," he said. "The end result is going to be a landslide victory for Donald Trump with all of the problems that await this country, regardless of who is elected."
The political commentator also touched upon the "rigged" nature of the US elections, further predicting a tough battle ahead of the November election.
"The Zionists win regardless of who wins this election, but in regard to many domestic issues, Donald Trump will carry the day. His campaign will begin to go after Biden and Harris again," noted the analyst, further pointing to "these endless Zionist wars that either party will continue with these candidates, regardless of the outcome of the election."
The San Antonio-based analyst then blamed liberals for riots and continuation of violence in cities "almost exclusively run by Democrats."