Trump must give his tax returns to NY prosecutor: Judge

Young journalists club

News ID: 47537
Publish Date: 9:25 - 21 August 2020
Friday, 21 August 2020_A US federal judge has ruled that President Donald Trump cannot block a prosecutor’s subpoena for eight years of his tax returns.

Trump must give his tax returns to NY prosecutor: JudgeIn a 103-page decision on Thursday, US District Judge Victor Marrero cleared the way for Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance to get Trump’s tax returns.

The ruling rejected a last-ditch attempt by the president’s lawyers to challenge the subpoena issued to his accounting firm Mazars USA.

The lawyers argued that the subpoena was issued in bad faith, adding it might have been politically motivated and that it amounted to harassment of the president.

Marrero said that allowing Trump to block the subpoena issued last August would amount to an “undue expansion” of presidential immunity.

“Justice requires an end to this controversy,” Marrero wrote.

Trump immediately appealed the ruling and filed an emergency motion to delay turning over his tax returns.

He claimed that enforcing the subpoena could cause him irreversible harm by revealing his “private, confidential information.”

He told reporters at the White House that the case would be returned to the Supreme Court, which had rejected his earlier assertion that he, as president, was immune from state criminal probes.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court said Trump could still try to block the subpoena on other grounds. Marrero had also ruled last October that Vance, a Democrat, could enforce the subpoena.

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