In pandemic era, Iranian charity donations come to the fore

Young journalists club

News ID: 47236
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 22:01 - 02 August 2020
Sunday, 02 August 2020_Eid al-Adha or the feast of sacrifice is one of the most revered occasions in the Islamic calendar, when charities and nonprofits in Iran step up efforts to support the most vulnerable in local communities.

In pandemic era, Iranian charity donations come to the foreIn the time of coronavirus, people also seek ways to help one another and respond with pandemic-related fundraising initiatives. This includes giving food and money to the needy in nationwide charity events.

In the capital Tehran, the pandemic has put on hold many fundraising events. But it has not stopped people from raising money and involvement in other charitable deeds, while observing self-isolation and physical distancing rules.

To make a difference, people raise money for kids in hospitals and families in need living in homeless or near homeless conditions. They also provide grants to nonprofit organizations to help them stay afloat during the mandatory closure. They say many charities and nonprofits will struggle without public support.

Private organizations and businesses are also offering assistance to the coronavirus emergency. They donate face masks and other supplies to medical workers, while volunteer groups coordinate the making of protective gear for donation to charities and hospitals.

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