You not in a position to intervene in Resistance affairs: Al-Nujaba to UK ambassador

Young journalists club

News ID: 47005
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 19:59 - 20 July 2020
Through a twit;
Monday, 20 July 2020_Engineer al-Shimmari, in a twit, addressing Stephen Hickey, wrote, “Do your duty, only act as the diplomatic representative of your wicked county and don’t intervene in the issues that are above your rank and level of those who have appointed you!”

You not in a position to intervene in Resistance affairs: Al-Nujaba to UK ambassadorThe official spokesman of al-Nujaba Islamic Resistance reacted to the intervention of the UK ambassador to Iraq, reported al-Nujaba’s Centre for Communications and Media Affairs in Iran.
Engineer Nasr al-Shimmari, in a twit, addressing Stephen Hickey who had made some negative statements around the attacks of the Resistance against the occupying forces, asked, “Is Iraq authorized to found ۲۰ military bases in your country? Can it have an embassy with thousands of Iraqis inside it? How about ۱۵ thousand military and non-military staff being present in such structures? Or can Iraq carry out a military manoeuvre in the centre of London?”
Then, addressing the UK ambassador, he wrote, “Stop treachery and telling lies, do your own duty, only act as the diplomatic representative of your wicked country and stop intervening in the issues that are above your rank and the level of those who have appointed you!”

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