India withdraws planned reopening of Taj Mahal

Young journalists club

News ID: 46815
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 9:39 - 07 July 2020
Tuesday, 07 July _A disabled Omani man, who has been kept behind bars in the United Arab Emirates for several years, has reportedly gone on hunger strike in a show of protest at his ordeal.

India withdraws planned reopening of Taj MahalEmirati dissident Abdullah al-Taweel wrote in a post published on his Twitter page that “the mother of Abdullah al-Shamsi has received information that his son's health has deteriorated in prison following his decision to go on hunger strike.”

“We have already confirmed that Shamsi has contracted coronavirus. Demonstrate solidarity with his ... mother through your writings and feelings,” Taweel added.

Earlier, the Omani newspaper Atheer reported that the Federal Supreme Court in the UAE capital, Abu Dhabi, had issued a life imprisonment sentence against the young Omani citizen on May 6, nearly two years after his arrest and imprisonment.

The report noted that Shamsi, 21, has been held at al-Wathba Prison in Abu Dhabi since August 2018.

Shamsi was arrested after Emirati Arabic-language al-Bayan newspaper alleged in July 2017 that he had cooperated with Qataris to traffic drugs.

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