Tehran, YJC. Ayatollah says satellite channels are trying to corrupt the Iranian society.
Speaking in his class in Qom, grand ayatollah Jafar Sobhani
discussed what he called the tricks of the pagan to destroy Islam.
"One of their tricks was to make accusations against the
prophet. Since Islam was in opposition to their interests they would do such
things,” he said.
Sobhani added "They restricted the prophet and his followers
to the Abi-Talib valley for three years. Following them, our enemies have been
putting us under economic sanctions for years and they would not just stop
their stupidity.”
"There were misled sects at the dawn of Islam which granted
only beliefs as the criteria for religiosity. They did not care about actions. Today
also Persian-speaking satellite channels follow the same tracks. They try to
take people’s faith away from them,” the cleric added.
He further said "Satellite channels promote vulgar fashion,
music, and makeup. They are trying to destroy social morals.”