Scuffles break out between police, protesting entertainment industry workers in Rome

Young journalists club

News ID: 46672
Publish Date: 8:25 - 28 June 2020
Sunday, 28 June_Scuffles broke out between protesting entertainment industry workers and police officers in Rome on Saturday. Actors, dancers, set designers and artists took the streets to demand aid from the government in what they describe as a dire situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

Scuffles break out between police, protesting entertainment industry workers in RomeProtesters say they were struggling due to low incomes and the lack of recognition of the industry by the authorities.

During the rally held at Piazza Dei Santi Apostoli demonstrators could be heard shouting 'lower your rifle', a slogan directed towards politicians unwilling to engage in discussions with the industry.

Source: Ruptly

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