Under US, Euro auspices, MKO kill thousands of Iranians: Foreign ministry

Young journalists club

News ID: 46661
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 21:34 - 27 June 2020
Saturday, 27 June_The spokesman for Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has lashed out at the United States and European countries for harboring the anti-Iran Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization terrorist group, saying the MKO supporters have the blood of thousands of Iranians on their hands.

Under US, Euro auspices, MKO kill thousands of Iranians: Foreign ministryAbbas Mousavi made the remarks in a tweet on Saturday on the occasion of the 39th anniversary of a deadly attack by the MKO terrorists which killed scores of Iranian officials, including then head of Supreme Judicial Council Ayatollah Mohammad Beheshti.

In his tweet, Mousavi added that Ayatollah Beheshti and 72 senior Iranian figures were assassinated by the MKO that enjoyed the support of the US and slain Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein nearly four decades ago.   

He added, "Since then, MEK has remained under US/Euro auspices, letting it horribly kill&maim 10000+Iranians. Their blood on terrorist MEK supporters' hands!"

On June 28, 1981, a powerful bomb went off at the headquarters of Iran’s Islamic Republican Party (IRP), where the party’s leaders were holding a meeting. The bombing killed scores of Iranian officials, including Ayatollah Beheshti.The MKO is known to have carried out the attack.

The MKO has carried out numerous terrorist attacks against Iranian civilians and government officials since victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979. Out of the nearly 17,000 Iranians killed in terrorist attacks over the past four decades, about 12,000 have fallen victim to MKO's acts of terror.

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