Palestinian in Gaza rally against Israel’s annexation plan

Young journalists club

News ID: 46652
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 7:49 - 27 June 2020
Saturday, 27 June_Palestinians rallied in Gaza on Friday to denounce Israel’s looming annexation plan of large parts of the occupied West Bank. Palestinians view the annexation plan as part of US President Donald Trump’s so-called deal of the century.

Palestinian in Gaza rally against Israel’s annexation planPalestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip held protest rally following Friday prayers against Israel’s annexation plan. Angry protesters shouted slogans against US president Donald Trump and the Israeli regime.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that he would begin cabinet-level discussions on annexing settlements in the occupied West Bank and the Jordan Valley from July 1st. Hamas movement who organized the Friday rally vowed to continue resistance for the sake of liberating all of Palestine.

The West Bank, including Jerusalem al-Quds, is considered as occupied territory under international law, therefore making all Israeli settlements there and the planned annexation illegal. Protesters called for unity among all Palestinians to confront Israeli conspiracies.

The annexation plan also comes amid warming of relations between some Arab countries in the Persian Gulf region and the Israeli regime. Palestinians accuse the United States of aiding and abetting Tel-Aviv in its crimes against the Palestinian people.

Israel’s annexation plan continues to enrage Palestinians. The Islamic Hamas movement says the scheme is a declaration of war against Palestinian people.

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