MSF sounds death knell of Yemen health system amid Saudi war

Young journalists club

News ID: 46496
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 13:38 - 14 June 2020
Sunday, 14 June_The coronavirus crisis has taken the final toll on Yemen’s already struggling healthcare system, a Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) official says.

MSF sounds death knell of Yemen health system amid Saudi warIn an update published on MSF’s website, head of the mission in Yemen Claire HaDuong said while five years of a Saudi war have caused Yemen’s healthcare system to collapse in large parts, “now COVID-19 has made that collapse complete”.

HaDuong said fear of the coronavirus or lack of staff and personal protective equipment has become the contributing factors that have led to the closure of hospitals.

She expressed concern over “preventable deaths” of people who could be saved if healthcare were simply available.

HaDuong said the United Nations and other donor states need to urgently find ways to step up their response, including through hands-on interventions of medical humanitarian agencies and support to the Yemeni health system with money to pay healthcare staff, equipment to protect them, and oxygen concentrators to help sick patients breathe.

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