Pentagon asks congress for 'Double-Digit Billions' in COVID-19 relief for military contractors

Young journalists club

News ID: 46488
Publish Date: 7:52 - 14 June 2020
Sunday, 14 June_US military’s top weapons buyer has warned Congress to either come up with “double-digit billions of dollars" to reimburse arms contractors for their costs related to the COVID-19 pandemic or face the danger of a degradation in the country’s military readiness.

Pentagon asks congress for 'Double-Digit Billions' in COVID-19 relief for military contractorsThe US Defense Department’s Undersecretary for Acquisition and Sustainment Ellen Lord said at a House of Representative’s Armed Services Committee hearing that the $688 million to assist military contractors and subcontractors in the recently passed Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was nowhere near enough.

According to a Friday report by the US-based news outlet, Lord further pointed to one unnamed prime military contractor that estimated its coronavirus-related costs at more than $1 billion, calling on the Congress to consider passing a supplemental bill to provide further funds to assist the country’s Defense Industrial Base.

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