North Korea warns US of presidential election ‘hair-raiser’ if meddling continues

Young journalists club

News ID: 46465
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 10:10 - 11 June 2020
Thursday, 11 June _North Korea has warned the United States to “hold its tongue” and stay out of inter-Korea affairs or risk seeing its upcoming presidential election go haywire.

North Korea warns US of presidential election ‘hair-raiser’ if meddling continuesIn a statement carried by the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on Thursday, Kwon Jong-gun, director-general for US affairs at North Korea’s Foreign Ministry, slammed the “double-dealing attitudes” of the United States, warning Washington to mind its own internal affairs.

“If the US pokes its nose into others’ affairs with careless remarks, far from minding its internal affairs, at a time when its political situation is in the worst-ever confusion, it may encounter an unpleasant thing hard to deal with,” Kwon said.

The United States should “hold its tongue” and address its own domestic problems unless it wants to “experience a hair-raiser,” the North Korean official said. “It would be good not only for the US interests, but also for the easy holding of upcoming presidential election.”

The warning came after the US State Department expressed disappointment over North Korea’s decision to suspend communication hotlines with South Korea.

On Tuesday, North Korea severed its military and presidential hotlines with the South, citing South Korea’s “treacherous behavior.”

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