"It's like saying 'Maybe if you inject Clorox into your blood, it may cure you,'” Biden said on Wednesday while talking at a Yahoo News town hall. “C’mon, man! What is he doing? What in God’s name is he doing?”
The former vice president also warned that Trump is setting a bad example by using a drug that, according to the majority of the experts, would cause heart problem when used outside a hospital.
“Look at the studies that have been done. It does much more harm than good. This is totally irresponsible,” Biden said. “It’s counterproductive. It’s not going to help, but the president, he decided that’s an answer.”
On Tuesday, Trump once again defended taking the anti-malaria drug in effort to ward off the covid-19, the respiratory disease caused by the coronavirus.
Trump told reporters earlier on Monday that he is taking hydroxychloroquine for about a week and a half to stave off infection.
Meanwhile, Trump’s comments stunned many politicians, including the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, making them publicly pan his decision to take an unproven treatment.
"As far as the president is concerned, he's our president and I would rather he not be taking something that has not been approved by the scientists, especially in his age group and in his, shall we say, weight group -- morbidly obese, they say. So, I think it's not a good idea," Pelosi said during an interview with CNN on Tuesday.