Eiffel Tower screens portraits of front-line workers in tribute

Young journalists club

News ID: 46056
Publish Date: 10:52 - 11 May 2020
Tehran, 11 May_The most iconic landmark in Paris, the Eiffel Tower, was both lit up and projecting a message on Sunday evening to honor French front-line workers who have been mobilized to help fight the coronavirus pandemic.

Eiffel Tower screens portraits of front-line workers in tributeAs the tower turned on its signature sparkle, portraits of various front-line workers were projected onto a huge screen at the base of the tower. The front-line workers were honored on the last night before the county begins its phased return to normality after weeks of lockdown.

According to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University, France has registered 176,658 cases of the coronavirus, leading to 26,310 deaths.

Source: Ruptly

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