Tehran, YJC. Iran’s supreme leader ayatollah ali khamenei has called officials to base economic plans as if for under-sanctions situations.

In a meeting with officials from diverse sections on Monday, Ayatollah Khamenei stated that an intricate, multifaceted attempt to lead Iranian entities into miscalculation has long been a plan by the world arrogance, the US in particular.
Maintaining that "Intimidation and allurement are two of Satan’s prime means for leading people into miscalculation” the Supreme Leader added "The US and other domineering powers behave like Satan, because they always try through intimidation and allurement, especially by promises they never keep, to scare and subjugate countries.”
Warning the audience against miscalculation, he said "Do not let the enemy influence your decision-making system through intimidation and allurement.”
Ayatollah Khamenei stated "As his two major weapons, namely military intimidation and sanctions, have failed, the enemy has resorted to causing miscalculation in Iranian institutes and among Iranian leaders. Sanctions have to be laid waste with resistance economy. As for military intimidation, it is not worth the while; therefore it will stay at the verbal level.”
"Economic planning should be carried out with the preconception in mind that the enemy will not diminish the sanctions a bit,” the Supreme Leader emphasized.
Pointing to military intimidation outlooks he stated "Things such as killing people and looting places are none of them a hindrance to Americans. The reality is that these days military attack will not be worth the while for the US. That is why international spectators, like the Iranian nation, do not take their threats for anything.”
Pointing to reports that the US discourages Israel from a military attack on Iran he said "If such stories be true, the reason why the US discourage them is that they do not see it economically feasible. There we also have to stress the point that a military attack on the Islamic Republic will not be feasible for anybody.”
Iran will need 19 times more nuclear centrifuges than Washington is seeking to restrict it to in a long-term deal with major powers, supreme leader said on Tuesday.
"Their aim is that we accept a capacity of 10,000 separative work units, which is equivalent to 10,000 centrifuges of the older type that we already have," Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on his website, referring to the machines used in uranium enrichment.
"Our officials say we need 190,000 centrifuges. Perhaps not today, but in two to five years that is the country's absolute need," said Supreme leader.