German minister censures US handling of pandemic, questions ‘America First’ model

Young journalists club

News ID: 45708
Publish Date: 9:29 - 11 April 2020
Germany’s Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has censured as ‘too slow’ the way the United States is handling the novel coronavirus pandemic, questioning the so-called America First model employed by the White House.

German minister censures US handling of pandemic, questions ‘America First’ modelMaas gave an interview to the German Der Spiegel magazine, a preview of which was sent to the media on Friday.

The foreign minister commented that China had taken “very authoritarian measures, while in the US, the virus was played down for a long time.”

The top German diplomat expressed hope that Washington would rethink its foreign policy, particularly its “America First” model, in light of the coronavirus crisis.

“Let's see to what extent the actions of the American government will lead to discussions in the US about whether the 'America First' model really works.”

Maas argued that Washington’s aggressive trade policies could have undermined the United States’ ability to obtain protective equipment.

On April 3, Berlin State’s Interior Minister Andreas Geisel accused Washington of using “Wild West" tactics to divert and obtain a delivery of face masks originally destined for the German capital.

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