Trump New York quarantine would be 'federal declaration of war': NY gov. Cuomo

Young journalists club

News ID: 45583
Publish Date: 7:14 - 29 March 2020
Tehran 29 March_New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo has warned of “a federal declaration of war,” dismissing possible plans by US President Donald Trump to impose a regional quarantine to limit the spread of the coronavirus in the country’s epicenter, as the number of fatal cases surpassed 2,000 nationwide.

Trump New York quarantine would be 'federal declaration of war': NY gov. CuomoTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club(YJC)_“If the president was considering this, he would have called me; This would be a federal declaration of war on states,” Cuomo said on Saturday evening during a CNN interview, hours after Trump mentioned the idea of locking down parts of the northeastern states of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut in efforts to slow the coronavirus spread.  

'Chaos and mayhem... anti-American, anti-social'

“It’s a preposterous idea, frankly,” he added. “It would be chaos and mayhem. If we start walling off areas all across the country it would just be totally bizarre, counterproductive, anti-American, anti-social.”

The New York governor went on to underline: “This is a civil war kind of discussion. I don’t believe that he could be serious, that any federal administration could be serious about physical lockdowns of states or parts of states. I don’t believe it’s legal, I believe it would be economic chaos, I don’t believe the American people would stand for it.

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