Iran UN envoy decries US disinformation campaign

Young journalists club

News ID: 45182
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 21:01 - 15 February 2020
Tehran 15 February _Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations blasts the United States’ back-to-back attempts at spreading “disinformation” about the Islamic Republic.

Iran UN envoy decries US disinformation campaignTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club(YJC)_“US disinformation campaign vs Iran continues,” the envoy tweeted on Friday.In somewhat twin attacks targeting Iran in a single day, the US military claimed that one of its warships had seized Yemen-bound weapons believed to be of Iranian "design and manufacture," while the American mission to the UN skewed one of the world body’s reports to flesh out a claim by Washington and its allies that Iran had struck Saudi Arabian oil facilities last September.

“Apart from absurd claims that Iranian weapons bound for Yemen were seized, US misuses a UN report to say Iran is responsible for an attack on Saudi oil facilities,” Takht-e Ravanchi added.

The US military claimed that its guided-missile cruiser Normandy had commandeered a vessel laden with the weapons, which it purported were 150 anti-tank guided missiles and three surface-to-air missiles.

Despite routinely hailing Yemeni forces for their decisive defense of the impoverished country against an ongoing US-backed Saudi-led war, Tehran has invariably rejected any allegations by Washington and its allies of ever arming those forces.

The American diplomatic mission, meanwhile, seized on a January 27 report by the UN Panel of Experts on Yemen that had ruled out the likelihood that Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah popular defense movement had launched the reported attacks against a plant belonging to Saudi Arabia’s Aramco oil giant in the kingdom’s far east.

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