Tehran 22 January_Tehran has censured South Korea for misnaming the Persian Gulf and sending a military mission to the waters south of Iran under pressure from the United States.
EHRAN, Young Journalists Club(YJC)-Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi tweeted in both Persian and Korean languages on Tuesday, blasting the South Korean Defense Ministry for referring to the Persian Gulf with a fake name.
Earlier in the day, Seoul announced a decision to expand the operational area of its anti-piracy unit from the Gulf of Aden to the Gulf of Oman and “the Arab-Persian Gulf.”
“Based on which knowledge and justification is South Korea seeking to dispatch military forces to the region when its Defense Ministry does not even know the historic name of the Persian Gulf?” Mousavi tweeted. “Mutual respect and acceptance of realities are the basis of relations between civilized nations.”
The Persian Gulf is an international trade route connecting the Middle East to Africa, India and China. It has been referred to by historians and ancient texts as “Persian” since the Achaemenid Empire was established in what is now modern day Iran.