Iran's Larijani chides EU for 'humiliating' capitulation to US

Young journalists club

News ID: 44868
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 8:19 - 20 January 2020
Tehran 20 January_Iran's Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani has censured France, Britain and Germany for triggering a dispute mechanism in the 2015 landmark nuclear deal with Tehran under the US pressure.

Iran's Larijani chides EU for 'humiliating' capitulation to USTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club(YJC)-Germany has admitted that the three countries launched the mechanism, set out in article 36 of the deal, after US President Donald Trump threatened to impose 25% tariffs on European cars.

"The move by the three European countries with regard to Iran's nuclear issue and their bid to launch article 36 of the nuclear agreement is regrettable," Larijani told an open session of the parliament in Tehran Sunday.

"One of the European countries' ministers has explicitly stated that the US has threatened if we do not apply the trigger mechanism, it will raise tariffs on car imports by 25%," he added.

Larijani was apparently referring to German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer who admitted Thursday that Trump had secretly warned the three countries to act against Iran or have him impose tariffs of 25% on European cars.

“This expression or threat, as you will, does exist,” she told a press conference in London when asked about the report in the Washington Post.

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