FM says Iraq situations to give Iran better footing in nuclear talks

Young journalists club

News ID: 4477
Publish Date: 10:04 - 25 June 2014
Tehran, YJC. Zarif says ISIS failure in Syria and its critical situations in Iraq indicate Iran’s true grit, enabling Russia to put more support behind Iran in the country’s nuclear talks.

Iran’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Mohammad Javad Zarif attended the Majlis Principalist Group’s meeting on Tuesday as invited by the host.

The Principalist group’s member of central council providing comments on the meeting told Mehr News Agency "The Foreign Minister maintained that the Daesh crisis in Iraq as well as its failure in Syria has made the world more aware of the power of the Islamic republic of Iran. So it is expected that with the Ukrainian crisis in mind, Russia will show more support of Iran.”

"The world is going to understand that there are issues more prominent than Iran’s nuclear case which also need to be coped with. That issue is the Takfiri terrorists who are a threat to the whole world. Therefore, I believe that the negotiations will take on a better trend as Europe comes to realize that,” Nader Fereydooni quoted Zarif.

According to the lawmaker the Foreign Minister had then added "Russia has to arrive at the point to realize that he has to adopt a supportive role for Iran in the Iran-P5+1 negotiations. With what’s happened in Ukraine it is expected that Russia will show greater support for Iran during the negotiations.”

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