Democrats put blame for Iraq incidents on Trump

Young journalists club

News ID: 44707
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 16:04 - 02 January 2020
Tehran 02 January_The United States is confronted with yet another crisis in Iraq following protests outside the US embassy by Iraqi protesters infuriated over Washington’s recent deadly military aggression on the Arab country.

Democrats put blame for Iraq incidents on TrumpTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club(YJC)-The US embassy in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad was evacuated on Tuesday after thousands of angry demonstrators gathered outside the gates of the compound to condemn Washington’s fatal military strike that targeted Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU).

On Sunday, five facilities run by the Iraqi PMU forces in Anbar province and neighboring Syria were targeted in the attack, which has left casualties, including over a dozen people dead with scores injured.

US officials claimed the attack came in response to a rocket strike on Friday which killed a “US civilian contractor.” They said the attack targeted an Iraqi military base housing US and Iraqi forces in the Arab country’s north.

Washington has accused the Islamic Republic of being behind both the Friday rocket attack as well as anti-US protests in Iraq, accusations which Iran has vehemently rejected.

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