Over 23 thousand tourists visit Iran in 3 months

Young journalists club

News ID: 4464
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 11:04 - 23 June 2014
Tehran, YJC. Iran’s tourism organization says the first 3 months of the Iranian year show a tripling of the number of tourists visiting the country compared to last year.

Iran’s Cultural Heritage Deputy Director of Tourism in interview with Mehr News Agency said "The statistics that used to be given formerly would count all sorts of arrivals and departures, which are nonetheless agreed to by the World Tourism Organization. It says if someone is out of his country for 24 hours and is not a resident and does not intend business in the destination country, it is counted as tourism.”

Morteza Rahmani Movahed added "The statistics we gather are those of official tours. An official tour is one which takes visa from the police. When we compare the statistics of official tours in the same months of the past two years, we find that there has been a 300-percent growth.”

He then added "So much so that in the first 3 months of this year 23,625 people entered the country with tourist teams whereas in the same period last year there were 7,495, indicating 31 percent growth.”

He pointed out "There is much coming and going to and from the country which we did not count for the statistics. The tourists came mostly from European countries, Australia, New Zeland, Korea, Jaqpan, and China. People from Iraq also come on their own, whose statistics is registered in the individual system.”

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