Tehran, YJC. President Rouhani says entities which support regional terrorism have to stop before it turns back on them.
Speaking in a cultural gathering about Prophet Muhammad’s
tradition on Sunday, President Rouhani said "One must not think that following
the tradition of the holy characters counts for a cause of disagreement among Muslims.”
"The savage ones who thirst for the blood of Muslims, who
behead children and who don’t pay any respect to the fair sex, those who kidnap
girls as slaves and hold no respect for any prophet or any scholarly figure,
they call themselves the revivers of Islam! What a great pity it is that these days
are sad ones for the Muslim and happy days for the Zionist!”
He further said "They
shed blood everywhere, and they did so under the flag of ‘La Ilaha illa Allah’[Islamic
motto meaning there is no god but Allah]. But in fact they worship Satan. You can
see what a massacre they have created in the Islamic world, from Afghanistan
and Pakistan to Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon.”
Stressing the need for Islamic
unity, Hassan Rouhani stated "What we need today is for the flag of peace to be
"I warn all Islamic countries,
and all those who unfortunately help the terrorist with the money they make of
oil to be aware that tomorrow it will be their turn. I ask them to stop
thinking that they have set these savages to fight only against each other.”