Ayatollah Khamenei stresses ‘Islamic compassion’ in dealing with riot suspects

Young journalists club

News ID: 44437
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 8:28 - 05 December 2019
TEHRAN, Dec 5_Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has called on Iranian officials to treat those suspected of involvement in the recent riots over gasoline price hikes with “Islamic compassion.”

Ayatollah Khamenei stresses ‘Islamic compassion’ in dealing with riot suspectsTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club(YJC)_The Leader’s remark came in response to a report by Ali Shamkhani, secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, that put forward suggestions for handling the situation in the wake of the riots and compensating those killed or sustained damage or injuries.

In mid-November, the Iranian government raised gasoline prices in order to moderate the national consumption rate.

The move prompted protests in a number of cities that went largely peaceful but turned violent when armed riotous elements took advantage of the situation to vandalize public and state property, and attack civilians and security forces alike.

Shortly after the riots broke out, the Leader tasked the Supreme National Security Council with compiling a report detailing the reasons behind the riots and immediate attending of the families of victims.

The report suggested that ordinary people who were killed during the riots but did not play a role in them be designated as “martyrs.”

It also suggested sympathizing with and paying blood money to the relatives of those killed in the riots.

Regarding the situation of those who lost their lives during armed clashes with security forces, it was proposed that after investigations into the background of their families, the respectable ones be separated from those who were involved in criminal acts and the families of those victims who were not involved in criminal activities be condoled.

The Leader urged the body to immediately carry out the proposed measures but called on the authorities to show “Islamic mercy” towards those suspected to have been involved in the developments.

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