Hundreds attend trial as Israel convicts 'Sheikh al-Aqsa'

Young journalists club

News ID: 44321
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 12:03 - 25 November 2019
TEHRAN, Nov 25_An Israeli court has convicted Raed Salah, an influential Palestinian figure, of "incitement to terrorism" and supporting the outlawed Islamic Movement which he headed.

Hundreds attend trial as Israel convicts 'Sheikh al-Aqsa'TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club(YJC)_Hundreds of Palestinians, who had come in buses from different cities and villages across Israel to stand in solidarity with Salah, attended the trial.

More than 1.8 million Palestinians still live in the territories which are now called Israel. They have resisted mass expulsion since Israel's creation in 1948.

The indictment drew an outcry from those attending the court session in Haifa on Sunday. "I have never witnessed in my career history such a racist decision," Salah’s lawyer, Khaled Zabarqa, told Middle East Eye.

"This is a political decision to silence the Palestinian leadership and prevent it from taking any actions in response to Israeli violations," he added.

Zabarqa said the Israeli establishment, which is represented by political and security leaders, has hindered the possibility of a fair trial.

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