New US Sanctions on Iran out of Weakness, Desperation: General Staff

Young journalists club

News ID: 44154
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 13:18 - 06 November 2019
TEHRAN, Nov 6_The Iranian Armed Forces General Staff condemned the US government’s new sanctions against the organization and some high-ranking military individuals and said the move has been made out of weakness and desperation.

New US Sanctions on Iran out of Weakness, Desperation: General StaffTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club(YJC)_In a statement released on Tuesday evening, the Gen Staff said the Trump administration’s move to impose the new sanctions on Iran was a propaganda show and a worthless and passive action out of desperation.

“The resistance of the Iranian nation against the inhumane and cruel sanctions of the Trump administration, which has angered the White House rulers since the country’s (the US’s) withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), made the US to resort to propaganda and show-offs to cover up its humiliations and consecutive failures,” the statement read.

The General Staff further said that the new wave of US sanctions, like the previous ones, are doomed to failure and will undoubtedly make the Iranian nation and the Islamic Establishment more united in pursuit of their Islamic goals.

In a separate statement on Tuesday night, the Iranian Army condemned the new round of US sanctions and said even some American officials acknowledge that the embargoes and the economic pressures are ineffective.

The US Treasury on Monday announced the new sanctions against the financial assets of what the US called the "inner circle of both military and foreign affair advisers” to the Leader of Iran's Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, a senior US administration official said in a call with reporters to discuss the sanctions.

The sanctions block any US-controlled property or interests held by those targeted and prohibit anyone or any entities in the United States from dealing with those sanctioned.

The US Treasury on Monday announced the new sanctions against the financial assets of what the US called the "inner circle of both military and foreign affair advisors” to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, a senior administration official said in a call with reporters to discuss the sanctions.

The US sanctions block any US-controlled property or interests held by those targeted and prohibit anyone or any entities in the United States from dealing with those sanctioned.

Source :tasnim 

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