Western-Arab-Hebrew enemies planned for October 25th demonstrations

Young journalists club

News ID: 44138
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 11:12 - 05 November 2019
Chairman of Al-Nujaba’s Political Board talking to YJC:
TEHRAN, Nov _Sheikh Ali al-Asadi, criticizing the unfulfilled promises of the government that have led to popular protests, stressed that foreign elements are attempting to abuse the right demands of citizens and take revenge on the Resistance.

Government’s promises to protesters bear no frui  Government’s slackness and political corruption are the causes of Iraq unrest;TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club(YJC)_ The chairman of al-Nujaba’s political board, attending in a specific talk with YJC, elaborated on the recent developments of Iraq and described the post-2003 organizational corruption of the government as the cause of Iraqi unrests. 

Saying that popular demands in Iraq are right, Hujjat al-Islam Ali al-Asadi accused foreign elements of opportunistic penetration and intervention aimed at the destruction of the state’s political structure and taking revenge on the Resistance.

He pointed out that enemies have focused on Iran, Hezbollah and the IPMF; as they were the main causes of the failure of the said enemies’ plans and the change into the equation in the Middle East.

This top-rank official of the Resistance, pointing to the high position and initiative of the religious sources of emulation in Iraq, expressed hope for the better future of the estate attained through the attempts made by the brave Iraqi youths.

Al-Asadi, describing the promises of the government on meeting the demands of protesters as ineffective, expressed, “Iraqi people are tired of slogans and promises, as none of the promises given to people in the past 16 years, together with election promises, have been fulfilled.

The full text of this interview is the following: 

Question: what is going on in Iraq? And what is the cause and nature of current demonstrations and protests? Why do protests are quickly dealt with violently?

 What is now going on in Iraq is a popular movement for gaining access to services and the minimums of a good life like what other people enjoy. The slackness of politicians in providing people with services and the basic needs of life and filling the class gaps is palpable. 

Furthermore, political and organisational corruptions in governments have continued following 2003. It doesn’t mean that the past rulers weren’t corrupt; but, it means that people expected the governments following the Taghut attend to all hardships people sustained during the rule of Baath party; however, unfortunately, the political class acted slackly and ignorantly in this regard.

These demonstrations started with some right popular demands, however, some foreign and internal elements attempted to divert them from the right path; but we hope that our children don’t let the enemies swerve demonstrations anymore.

Question: Iraqi and Lebanese demonstrations are being held simultaneously, whether are these local and internal? Or do they have some foreign causes?

-  In order to take sectarian revenge and to destroy the political structure of Iraq, some internal and foreign elements attempted to change the peaceful demonstrations into violent ones. 

Initially, it seemed that demonstrations were held on popular demands, however, those observers and people who watched Western, Arab and Hebrew media found that such demonstrations are being arranged abroad.

Abusing shortages and political class’s corruption, they prepared the ground for hitting the countries that fight the global Zionism and their mercenaries. This scenario is also being played out in Lebanon.


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