Israeli police shooting unarmed Palestinian in the back for fun

Young journalists club

News ID: 44130
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 12:11 - 03 November 2019
TEHRAN, Nov 3_A video has emerged of the Israeli police firing at an unarmed young Palestinian man as he was leaving the scene with his arms raised.

Israeli police shooting unarmed Palestinian in the back for funTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club(YJC)_In the 26-second clip released by Israel Channel 13 News on Saturday evening, officers can be heard yelling at the Palestinian youth to leave the scene, which appears to be a tunnel road in the central part of the occupied West Bank.

Holding a backpack and ID card, the Palestinian man raises his hands and begins walking away from the area.Then, as the man makes his way down the tunnel, the officers yell at him to drop his hands. He appears to not completely understand them, briefly turning around before complying with the order.

A short time later, when the man appears to be a considerable distance from the police and still walking away, one of the officers opens fire, causing the young man to fall to the ground and call out in pain.

The female officer who fired the bullet was reportedly discharged from the police and returned to the military to complete her mandatory service.

The evidence includes text messages in which members of the unit boasted about the incident and the main suspect's admission via text messages.

She also faces a charge of obstructing justice, since she allegedly asked her fellow police officers not to talk about the incident.

Israeli police said the incident had taken place roughly a year and a half ago and the officer was arrested on suspicion of shooting the Palestinian man “as a dubious form of entertainment.”

The event came to light during the investigation of a different incident, in which members of the Israeli police allegedly beat a Palestinian man for no reason.

The Israeli military regularly opens fatal fire on Palestinians, claiming they pose a threat to the regime's forces.

Human rights groups have repeatedly criticized Tel Aviv for its shoot-to-kill policy as a large number of the Palestinians killed at the scene of the alleged attacks did not pose any serious threat to Israelis.

Israeli troops have on numerous occasions been caught on camera killing Palestinians, with the videos going viral online and sparking international condemnation.


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