EXCLUSIVE:The embassies of the US and UK in Baghdad are taking advantage of Iraq’s poor economic conditions

Young journalists club

News ID: 44103
Publish Date: 8:42 - 01 November 2019
TEHRAN, Nov 1_The embassies of the US and UK in Baghdad are taking advantage of Iraq’s poor economic conditions following the defeat of Daesh by “deliberately stirring up trouble” in the Arab country.

EXCLUSIVE:The embassies of the US and UK in Baghdad are taking advantage of Iraq’s poor economic conditionsTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club(YJC)_ "The embassies of the US and UK in Baghdad are taking advantage of Iraq’s poor economic conditions following the defeat of Daesh by “deliberately stirring up trouble” in the Arab country.
If there are insufficient jobs, there must be some form of basic income. Yes, the foreign embassies -- US, UK and the Netherlands-- are deliberately stirring up trouble." Rodney Shakespeare told Young Journalists Club.

Shakespeare is a frequent critic of Jews and Israel, claiming Israel seeks to take over the entire Middle East from "the Mediterranean to the Euphrates" as described in the notorious forgery The Protocols of Zion. He stated this on Press TV October 20, 2013 in an attack on journalist Lee Kaplan.

The following is the full text of the interview:

1)Young Journalists Club: What are your thoughts about the reason behind recent sporadic unrest in Iraq that has led to several casualties?

 The embassies of the US and UK in Baghdad are taking advantage of Iraq’s poor economic conditions following the defeat of Daesh by “deliberately stirring up trouble” in the Arab country.
If there are insufficient jobs, there must be some form of basic income. Yes, the foreign embassies -- US, UK and the Netherlands-- are deliberately stirring up trouble but that is always easy to do when people are economically insecure. Also all American, British and Israeli forces should be kicked out.

2)Young Journalists Club: Since October 17, the Lebanese in Beirut and other cities have been taking to the streets to express their strong discontent with the government’s failure to find solutions to the country’s economic crisis. What are the main reasons behind the ongoing anti-government demonstrations?

Unemployment, rich-poor division and corruption are the main reasons. There is no obvious solution at present and the Middle East has an ever-increasing percentage of restless young people in its populations. A New Paradigm economics and politics is required and a relevant book has been written (but it will be a while before it is published).

3) Young Journalists Club:US President Donald Trump declared Sunday that Daesh leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was dead after a US military raid in northwest Syria over the weekend. In reaction, the spokesman for Iran’s administration, Ali Rabiei, shrugged off the US president’s announcement and said Washington’s policies are the main reason for the emergence of Daesh, adding that the death of Baghdadi does not mean that Takfiri terrorism or “Daeshism” has ended. Do you think the killing of the Daesh leader would play a major role in the fight against terrorism in the region or bring an end to the phenomenon given its root causes?

Another leader will replace al-Baghdadi and Daesh may change its appearnce but it will continue because, firstly, it is a manifestation of Saudi Wahhabism and, secondly, the USA and Israel want Daesh to continue as a way of smashing the Middle East into pieces for the benefit of Zionist Israel.

4)Young Journalists Club: The US claims that it has started the withdrawal of its troops from Syria and says its forces shouldn’t be there. What was the main reason behind the US military operation? What do you think about the developments behind the scenes?

The USA, on behalf of Israel, tried to destroy Syria completely but was defeated by the Syrian government aided by Russia and Iran.
However, the USA is staying in military control of Syria's oil fields so as to deny the oil to the Syrian government and also to fund destructive, terrorist forces (again, as part of policy to smash the Middle East into pieces)

5)Young Journalists Club: Russian Defense Ministry spokesperson Major General Igor Konashenkov has blasted Washington’s oilfield operation as “state-sponsored banditry,” saying the US was stationing its troops in northeastern Syria to pave the way for smugglers to pillage Syrian resources. Do you believe so?

It is worse than that. The USA is staying in military control of Syria's oil fields so as to deny the oil to the Syrian government and also to fund destructive, terrorist forces as part of policy to smash the Middle East into pieces.

6)Young Journalists Club:Despite Washington’s policy of “maximum pressure” and its most severe sanctions against Tehran, the Islamic Republic has been able to control prices and inflation in the country through adopting certain financial strategies which are in line with the policy of “resistance economy”. What is your take on that? Do you think that the resistance will work in the future?

At all costs, Iran must maintain the resistance economy. The EU, for example, has betrayed its agreements with Iran and the USA (pushed by Israel) is out to destroy Iran.
After a difficult period, the resistance economy will win through partly because it enhances independence but also because a multi-polar (rather than uni-polar) world is developing.

Interview by Maryam Sadat Ghavami

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