Chief explains new nuclear agreements with Russia

Young journalists club

News ID: 4386
Publish Date: 15:10 - 12 June 2014
Tehran, YJC. Head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization says Russia is going to build Iran two new nuclear reactors.

Head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization said that Russia has agreed to build Iran two nuclear reactors, adding that the Arak heavy water plutonium output will diminish to less than one kilogram.

Ali Akbar Salehi who was speaking in a meeting on Wednesday evening in answer to a question whether Iran and Russia have reached any agreement on building new nuclear reactors said "We had held talks with Russia to that effect, which we hope will bear fruit in the near future.”

"For now the plan to build 8 reactors is there just as an idea, but we are hopeful that according to the governmental decision we would be able to build two reactors in mid-term in cooperation with Russians,” he added.

Inquired about how Iran always maintains that it will continue enrichment as its needs demand he said "This is not only mentioned by Iran, but by the joint announcement as the joint plan of action, saying that enrichment has to be defined according to Iran’s practical needs.”

Head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization  explained "Our practical need as we have said many times is the Bushehr power plant for the next 7-8 years.”

Also providing comments on the Arak heavy water facilities he said "The Arak heavy water is being redesigned so that the amount of its plutonium which is currently being produced at a scale of 9-10 kg will reached less than one kilo.”

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