Protest outside Conservative Party conference in Manchester

Young journalists club

News ID: 43811
Publish Date: 12:03 - 30 September 2019
TEHRAN, Sept 30_Not in recent memory has a British Prime Minister been under so much pressure coming into their annual party conference.

Protest outside Conservative Party conference in ManchesterTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club(YJC)_Boris Johnson currently leads a minority government, has lost his first 7 votes in the houses of parliament and just last week the UK Supreme Court ruled that his decision to suspend parliament was “unlawful”.

And to make matters worse the British premier faces tough questions over his links with Jennifer Arcuri while he was London mayor and his failure to declare his potential conflicts of interest, over the allocation of public money to the businesswoman with some suggesting their relationship may have been more than just business.

Yet despite his political and personal battles, Mr. Johnson tried to appear defiant as he was heckled by protesters whilst arriving in Manchester for the Conservative party conference, which began on Sunday.

And despite everything Johnson seemed determined to stick to his “do or die” pledge to leave the European Union by October 31 with or without a deal.

Johnson is due to speak on Wednesday but protesters came out despite the heavy rain on Sunday to show their disapproval not only at Johnson's leadership but also at the conservative parties policies since taking power in 2010.

However, despite Johnson's many troubles and the protests, that will surely continue as the October 31st Brexit deadline moves ever closer, the British Prime Minister seems to determined to avoid earning the unfortunate title of becoming the UK’s shortest-ever serving Prime Minister.

Every year there is an annual Conservative party conference in Manchester and every year there is an annual protest against the Conservative party and their policies.

Yet this year considering the controversy surrounding the British prime minister and his minority government, it feels as if there is an added anger amongst the protesters.

Source :presstv

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