Rouhani leaving for Ankara: Iran, Turkey able to connect Persian Gulf to Mediterranean

Young journalists club

News ID: 4359
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 12:03 - 09 June 2014
Tehran, YJC. President Rouhani has left Iran for Turkey on a one-day trip, first visit in 18 years by an Iranian president.

Hassan Rouhani left Tehran for Ankara on Monday morning. Prior to his departure he said to reporters "Turkey is a western neighbor to Iran with which we have been in good political and economic relations in the past years.”

"The new administration announced one of its main programs to be the expansion of ties with neighbors. Within the very first days of the administrative term preparations were made for the upmost-ranking officials of Turkey to visit our country,” he maintained.

The President added "In this trip we will discuss mutual relations in economy, especially with regard to oil, electricity, and gas. There are issues such as roads, customs, culture, tourism, and the like which will also be mentioned; and there are documents on political and security concerns which will be signed.”

President Rouhani asserted "People are well aware that Iran and Turkey occupy unique geopolitical positions. In fact we can easily connect the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman to the Mediterranean, or the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean for that matter. Therefore, the two countries’ relations are highly significant to the entire region.”

He further pointed out "Both countries are neighbors to Syria and Iraq. It is heartening that in the past months we have seen positive developments in the region, which also need to be talked about.”

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