Spokesman: Iran Not Inclined towards Talks with US

Young journalists club

News ID: 43357
Publish Date: 14:32 - 26 August 2019
TEHRAN, August 26- Iranian Government Spokesman Ali Rabiyee referred to the surprise visit by Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif to Paris to meet the French officials on the sidelines of the G7 summit on Sunday, and said Tehran has no interest in talks with the Americans.

Spokesman: Iran Not Inclined towards Talks with USTEHRAN,Young Journalists Club(YJC) _"The visit by Mr. Zarif was not related to the G7 meeting and it was demanded by France, and Iran is not inclined towards any meeting with the Americans and we have no role in France's talks with the US," Rabiyee told reporters in a press conference in Tehran on Monday.

He noted that the visit was not secret and based on information received by Iran, the Americans were also aware of it, saying Zarif's trip was aimed at discussions on ways to implement the nuclear deal undertakings (by the Europeans).

Rabiyee described the visit as fruitful for exchange of views about French President Emanuel Macron's package of proposals earlier raised in a phone conversation with President Hassan Rouhani, and said, "We have been an actor, but do not play in the US court."

Zarif flew to the French seaside resort of Biarritz that hosts the G-7 summit meeting in an unannounced trip ahead of his Southeast Asian tour on Sunday.

"At the invitation of French Foreign Minister [Jean-Yves] Le Drian, Dr. Mohammad Javad Zarif, our country's foreign minister, arrived in Biarritz that hosts the G-7 summit meeting to continue consultations on the recent initiatives between the Iranian and French presidents," Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyed Abbas Mousavi wrote on Twitter on Sunday.

"There won't be any meeting or negotiations with the US delegation during this visit," he reiterated.

An Elysee palace official confirmed the Iranian spokesman's statement that Zarif is not to take part in any meeting with US officials in Biarritz.

After his return on Monday, President Rouhani said Iran had kept the road to diplomacy open to resolve the differences with the West, but meantime, reiterated that national resistance is still top on his agenda, an indication that no charming result should be expected from Zarif's surprise visit to France.

"We resist against sanctions, and meantime we take reciprocal moves as well; yet we also see an opportunity for negotiations and diplomacy too and leave open the path for resolving problems by 2-month intervals between the phases of modifying our (nuclear deal) undertakings," Rouhani said, addressing a forum in Tehran on Monday.

"We will resist and stand to attain goals, security and greatness," he added.

"We also negotiate to resolve the problems beside this resistance and standing," Rouhani underscored.

After a nearly weeklong visit to Europe, during which he held high-level talks with European officials in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Zarif met with Macron and Le Drian in Paris on Friday. The Iranian foreign minister told reporters, after his meeting with Macron, that he had constructive talks with the French head of state, but meantime reiterated that Tehran will never re-negotiate the nuclear deal of 2015, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

Macron has made restarting negotiations with Iran a priority at the ongoing G-7 summit, after his Friday meeting with Zarif and earlier phone talk with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

Zarif is due to start a three-legged tour of East Asia on Sunday night that will take him to China, Japan and Malaysia, to further bolster bilateral ties and discuss major regional and international developments. Tehran has long-enjoyed close relations with a number of Asian and East Asian countries as part of a greater policy of diversifying and strengthening its foreign relations.

Tensions mounted between Tehran and Washington last May, when President Donald Trump pulled the United States out of the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, and re-imposed harsh sanctions against the Islamic Republic in defiance of global criticism. The American leader and his hawkish advisers National Security Advisor John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have since been stepping up pressure against Iranians.


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