Egypt invites Rouhani to Sisi inauguration

Young journalists club

News ID: 4332
Publish Date: 13:28 - 07 June 2014
TEHRAN, YJC. Egypt has invited Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to attend inauguration ceremony of President-elect Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.

"He (Rouhani) was invited in both capacities as president of Iran and president of the Non-Aligned Movement,” Egypt’s presidential spokesman Ehab Badawi said, adding that so far there has been no response from Tehran, according to Iran’s Press TV.

Egypt’s election commission on June 3 officially declared Sisi, the former head of Egypt’s armed forces, as the winner of the May 26-28 election with over 90 percent of the votes. The Muslim Brotherhood and other opposition groups had boycotted the election.

Egypt’s representative in Tehran has reportedly met with Mohammad Nahavandian, chief of staff of the Iranian president, and submitted the official invitation from interim Egyptian President Adly Mansour.


If the invitation is accepted, Rouhani will be the second Iranian chief executive to visit Egypt since Tehran and Egypt severed diplomatic ties after the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Tehran cut ties with Cairo because Egypt had signed the Camp David Accords with the Israeli regime and offered asylum to Iran’s deposed monarch, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.

The two major Muslim countries, however, moved to improve ties following the 2011 revolution in Egypt and under the presidency of Mohamed Morsi, who was ousted by Sisi in July 2013.

In February 2013, former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad paid a historic visit to Egypt to attend a summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

Meanwhile it is said that neither Turkey nor Qatar are invited to the inauguration ceremony.

Some reports add that Israel and Tunisia are also to be absentees at the inauguration.

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