Perseid meteor shower to peak with dozens of shooting stars per hour

Young journalists club

News ID: 42989
Publish Date: 11:57 - 13 August 2019
TEHRAN, August 13 -This year, the peak of the highly anticipated meteor shower falls on Monday night and into early Tuesday.

Perseid meteor shower to peak with dozens of shooting stars per hourTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) -Shooting stars are about to rain down from the heavens and illuminate the night sky as the best meteor shower of the entire year, known as the Perseids, reaches its peak.

However, experts said clouds may interfere with some stargazers' plans to watch the celestial light show.

"The Perseids are the most popular meteor shower as they peak on warm August nights as seen from the Northern Hemisphere," the American Meteor Society explained on its website.

This year, the peak of the highly anticipated meteor shower falls on Monday night and into early Tuesday, according to the AMS.

Not only does the shower peak during the warm nights of mid-August, but it boasts an impressive number of meteors, second only to the Geminids in December.

"Up to 100 meteors per hour will occur during the peak night," AccuWeather Astronomy Blogger Dave Samuhel said.

"Perseids are not only numerous, they are beautiful. Most of the meteors leave a glittering trail as they pass," Samuhel said. "They are multi-colored and many are bright."

However, this year the moon is likely to play a role in the number of shooting stars able to be seen on the peak night. The nearly-full moon will be shining bright nearly all night long, making it difficult to see many of the dimmer meteors. Cloudy conditions may also be an issue for some spectators.

Cloud-free conditions will lead to uninterrupted viewing conditions for some of the best stargazing locations across the country on Monday night as the Perseids peak. This includes most of the western United States and the southern Plains.

Patchy clouds could interfere with viewing for many across the southeastern United States, but there should be enough breaks in the clouds to see some of the Perseids on Monday night.

Although onlookers in big cities, such as Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles and Phoenix are forecast to have favorable weather, they may want to consider traveling to a darker area away from the light pollution in the city.

Unfortunately for those across the Northeast, Great Lakes and most of Canada, clouds are in the forecast that will obscure the sky most of the night.

When to see the Perseids

Shooting stars will be most numerous on Monday night into Tuesday morning, but this is not the only time when stargazers can see some of the shower.

"People should consider viewing meteors during the nights leading up to the peak," Samuhel said. "There will still be plenty of meteors, and, you will not have to battle as much moonlight."

As for when to head outside under the stars, folks may want to brew a cup of coffee if they hope to see the Perseids in all their glory.

Source: upi

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