Tehran, YJC. First Vice President has said Iran is enjoying its most powerful diplomatic team ever.

First Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri who was speaking in a
meeting held in honor of the country’s top students on Saturday "Today the Islamic
Republic of Iran’s most powerful diplomatic team is making efforts and holding
negotiations in the international arena. The team is highly resolute and has
not bowed down to a single unjust word.”
He said "Everyone remembers how the whole world used to talk
to us before this administration. There were hour-by-hour oscillations to the
currency rate. There was no stability or peace of mind in the country. But within
the short while that the administration has started its job, it has meticulously
attended to the country’s problems and it has managed to bring about some
"Today Iran’s most adept diplomatic team is on the international
stage, doing its best holding negotiations. It defends the Iranian nation’s
nuclear rights and achievements resolutely. It has not given way to a single
unjust word, and it has decided to redeem the Iranian nation’s rights through
talks,” Jahangiri asserted.
"With the offices of the Insight and Hope administration the pillars of
sanctions are broken today,” the First Vice President stated, adding "It is not
correct to say what was achieved in the negotiations has not been put to
action. The government is resolutely pursuing those obligations.”