Iran press review

Young journalists club

News ID: 4273
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 12:40 - 29 May 2014
Tehran, YJC. Headlines of the most important news stories in Iran’s journals today.


-       Hassan Khomeini endorses freedom of thought, people; ‘Free people will make prosperous country.’


-       Govt. Spox tells of economic plans: There will be no price increase


-       Ship carrying smuggled fuel stopped at Strait of Hormuz

Jame Jam

-       Iran’s taekwondo stand on Asia’s champions platform

Jomhouri Eslami

-       Central Bank President: Soon we will see exchange depreciate steadily

Tehran Times

- Iran, 5+1 have made progress: Gary Samore 

Iran Daily

- US investors begin to imagine a return to Iran 

Kayhan International 

- ‘NAM striving to resolve global challenges’ 


- Late Imam Khomeini a symbol for our aspirations 


- Gold price declines in Iran, world 

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