Rouhani addresses closer ties with Kazakhstan

Young journalists club

News ID: 4221
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 15:21 - 21 May 2014
Tehran, YJC. Meeting his Kazakh counterpart, Rouhani has explained prominent concerns of Iran and Kazakhstan.

Rouhani who is in China attending the fourth summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) in Shanghai, met his Kazakh counterpart on Wednesday.

President Rouhani pointed to banking affairs between the two countries and said "The banking problems existing in both countries have to be resolved with the offices of officials from both sides. So, the presidents of the central banks of both countries can engage in closer cooperation in order to investigate the ways to deal with the situation.”

Also expressing gratitude toward Kazakhstan for hosting the Iran-Six Majors talks on Iran’s nuclear case he said "As a friendly neighbor, Kazakhstan has always taken a favorable stance in the case of Iran’s nuclear program.”

"As for the nuclear case, if the side negotiating us stops making excuses the case will be solved in a best way. Right now with the positive trend the negotiations have had we are at the threshold to solving the case, where support from Kazakhstan will also be expedient,” Hassan Rouhani maintained.

"Cooperation has to be conducted between Iran and Kazakhstan on the Caspian Sea as well,” he further said, stressing the importance of trade, shipping, environment protection, and tourism about the sea.

The President also stressed the need to hasten the construction operation of the joint Iran-Turkmenistan-Kazakhstan railroad.

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