Iran press review

Young journalists club

News ID: 4219
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 13:16 - 21 May 2014
Tehran, YJC. Headlines of the most important news stories in Iran’s journals today.


-       In reaction to pleaders to hold debates with nuclear team: Debate in time of negotiations is meaningless

-       Hashemi Rafsanjani: To boost radicals is a plan designed by enemies of Muslim nations


-       General population policies issued: Supreme Leader emphasizes life expectancy, health, population empowerment

Tehran Times

- Iranian economy will return to growth in 2014: Business Monitor

Iran Daily

- Rouhani: Iran presence in CICA helps regional peace

Kayhan International

- Leader outlines population policies


- Russia, China call for settlement of Iranˈs nuclear issue


- World Bank to grant loans to Iran 

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