Mushrooms grown on haze for 1st time in world

Young journalists club

News ID: 4218
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 12:19 - 21 May 2014
Tehran, YJC. Kharazmi University researcher has cultivated mushrooms on bare haze.

Kharazmi University Faculty member has raised mushrooms using haze for the first time in the world.

His mushrooms are said to be healthier and more rapidly growing than the ones in common ways. Besides that, he has not used any chemicals to take care of the mushrooms.

Providing comments on his research "Healthy Effects of Nutrient-bearing Haze on the Growth of Edible Fungi” in interview with Mehr News Agency Dr. Ramin Ezzati stated "My doctoral research is on haze. I have studied the positive impacts of haze on plants such as wheat, grapes, and olive, seeing what healthy effects it has on each plant.”

"Having in mind the research I have done on haze, the idea came to me to use it to produce mushrooms,” he added.

"Doing so, we only gave the fungi the nutrients it needs, without any chemicals,” Ezzati said and added "The important thing is that we applied the nutrients in the atmospheric way and there was no part to be played by chemicals.”

The researcher maintained "I have 170 soil samples from all over the world. I knew that the Tunisian soil was richer than all the other types there were. That is why I used that soil on the fungi.”

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