Actress picked on by officials over kissing elderly

Young journalists club

News ID: 4198
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 10:17 - 19 May 2014
Tehran, YJC. Culture Ministry official has slashed Leila Hatami for kissing Gilles Jacob at Cannes Festival, saying it has “tainted” the Iranian image before the world.

Iran’s Culture Ministry’s Deputy in Parliamentary Affairs has criticized Leila Hatami’s act in the Cannes Festival as against the Iranian chastity.

The Iranian actress shook hands with and kissed the 83-year-old Cannes President Gilles Jacob on the red carpet.

"I hope that those who attend international arenas as Iranian women would be careful about the chastity and dignity of Iranians so that the image of the Iranian woman is not tainted before the world,” said Hossein Noushabadi.

He added "If they respect Islamic norms and the national culture and beliefs of Iran, it would be a desirable thing for Iranian celebrities to go abroad, but if their presence lacks regard for social values and ethical criteria, the Iranian nation is not going to accept it.”

Leila Hatami’s act which is rather unprecedented among Iranian celebrities has found a lot of coverage by media broad as well.

France’s Libération has called it a "scandal in Iran” while Straits Times says "Iran actress's Cannes kiss sparks ire back home”.

Also ABC has come with a similar headline going "Iranian actress Leila Hatami's kiss at Cannes Film Festival angers authorities back home”. Al-Arabiya as well has covered the story.

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