TEHRAN, YJC. Head of Iran’s High Council for Human Rights appeared in the state channel 2 news talk show to discuss Ahmed Shaheed’s recent report on human rights in Iran.

Mohammad Javad Larijani said regarding kinds of human rights reports "One is thematic
reporting. In Iran there are many thematic reporters to whom we have answered
in thousands of pages. Therefore assigning a special reporter for Iran is
itself a primary human rights violation.
A condition for appointing someone reporter on a country is
that they do not have any predisposition regarding it. This guy, Ahmed Shaheed,
like an actor appears in TV and speaks against the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Head of the High Council for Human rights added "Another interesting
thing about Ahmed Shaheed is his relations with terrorist groups and their
support of him.”
Addressing Shaheed being Muslim, Larijani said "His being Muslim is only in
name. It would’ve been way better were he Jew or Christian because his report
was insult to Islam.”
He also pointed to outright mistakes in the report and said "In
the report a Dervish has been mentioned as detained who would go to convent. When
we delivered the news to the Dervish he said ‘woe on them that I am free.’”
He added "What is behind these things is enmity with Islam. The
report concludes that all Sharia rules that are not in keeping with
international norms must be eliminated.”
Larijani also pointed to abuse of religious minorities in
the report and said "Somebody acts as spy in Iran who might have any faith. When
he is arrested they say they arrested him because he was a Kurd, whereas were
he a Twelver Shiite he must have been confined as well.”
He also provided comments that two ways for doing mischief
exist as minorities and ethnicities and added that these are used as coverage
for terrorist actions against national security.
He also provided comments on the death sentence for Rigi and
said "International organizations can ask us why we executed this man. In return
we will issue a full report on Rigi’s criminal record and say we executed him according
to the rules of the Islamic Republic of Iran.”
Larijani also claimed that in these days most extensive
support is given to terrorists under the rubric of human rights.
Larijani also addressed the conditions of churches in the
country and said "We financially support churches, but the same way that
building mosques has rules outside of Iran, building churches in the country is
also subject to rules. Therefore we do not approve of it if someone propagates
Christianity in the basement of his house to children without the consent of
their parents.”
Head of the High Council for Human Rights pointed to the previous two reports
by the UN as unsuccessful and asserted "We are invulnerable against this kind
of propaganda.”
He also addressed sanctions on drugs against Iran, saying "Lack
of consideration for this anti-human act by the West in Ahmed Shaheed’s report
shows that the money he has received from the US Department of State does not
allow him to write report on these things.”
"The big 2009 coup was against democracy, but this reporter
has spoken against the Islamic system instead of defending it,” he added.