Putin meets May amid strained ties

Young journalists club

News ID: 41280
Publish Date: 13:14 - 28 June 2019
TEHRAN, Jun 28 - Russian President Vladimir Putin has met with outgoing British Prime Minister Theresa May, the first such top-level encounter in years.

Putin meets May amid strained tiesTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Relations between Russia and Britain have been in tatters over the March 4, 2018, nerve agent attack on double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in the city of Salisbury. They spent weeks in critical condition, but recovered.

Britain has accused Russia of poisoning them with the nerve agent Novichok, accusations Moscow has denied. The poisoning has triggered a major diplomatic crisis, with Russia and the West expelling hundreds of envoys.

May said before the summit that Britain will push for the two Russian military intelligence officers accused of involvement in the attack to be brought to justice.

In an interview with the Financial Times before the G-20 summit, Putin insisted that Russia had nothing to do with the poisoning. He argued that bilateral ties are far more important than "the fuss about spies not worth five copecks."

Putin and May last met in 2016.

Source: AP

putin ، May ، meeting
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