Tehran, YJC. Prominent Shiite clergy says raising terrorists and setting countries on fire wont bring about peace.
Grand ayatollah Javadi Amoli lecturing to his class in Qom
on Wednesday refuted Western claims on human rights as false and said "Global
security is not created with A-bombs or by raising terrorists or rearing the
Daesh or by setting countries such as Syria on fire.”

"The West talks of human rights, security, and democracy but
acts the opposite,” he asserted, adding "Westerners set up the first and second
world wars to roll 80 people in their blood. Right now all the superpowers have
their fingers on the atomic trigger.”
"One cannot control the global community by atomic bombs and
by murder,” the ayatollah exclaimed.
Amoli further said "We say to Western leaders to lay down
their arms and not create another world war.”
Stating that all prominent Muslim clerics condemn and warn
against atomic bombs, he said "The Shiite lifestyle consists of behaving on the
axis of peace and defense, beyond which we will not set foot.”