MI6 was involved in nuclear scientist assassination

Young journalists club

News ID: 4094
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 10:19 - 05 May 2014
Tehran, YJC. Former Iranian nuclear chief has said Jack Straw must have been questioned about the assassination of Ali Mohammadi.

Former Head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization who was speaking in Sharif University at a meeting on Iran’s nuclear deal said "Jack Straw must have been responsible for the assassination of Ali Mohammadi. Why was he not asked about it while in Iran?”

Fereydoon Abbasi added "I am sure that the MI6 had a hand in this. But these came to the country, then got back, and nobody asked them that.”

"During my office at the IAEO we had three plans to deal with the P5+1. The first was the natural coping, the second cooperative, and the third contrastive. We had the most powerful expert team next to the US,” he maintained.

Abbasi further said "A current within the very Ahmadinejad administration had stopped the production of centrifuges with alibis of the new oil being brought in. On the other side we were experiencing  commando attacks by the enemy which indicated a strategic mistake. Toward the end of his term Ahmadinejad told me to turn on the rest of the centrifuges for which he also accepted the responsibility. But Rouhani did not think so. We asked him if to turn on the centrifuges or not, to which he didn’t answer. But of course we got our answers from the Geneva agreement.”

"The talks were about to bear fruit when the other side of the deal was waiting for the Iranian elections result. They were expecting something like the 2009 events. It was a relief that the new administration gained power with a card in sleeve to attend the negotiations. But the card was never used,” he added.

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