US says it does not want war with Iran, but accusations continue

Young journalists club

News ID: 40771
Publish Date: 11:45 - 17 June 2019
TEHRAN, Jun 17 - US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says Washington does not want to go to war with Tehran, while falsely accusing Iran of carrying out attacks on two oil tankers in the Sea of Oman last week.

US says it does not want war with Iran, but accusations continue

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - "President Trump has done everything he can to avoid war. We don’t want war,” Pompeo told Fox News on Sunday.

Pompeo was echoing previous remarks by US President Donald Trump, who noted earlier in May that he did not seek war with Iran.

Trump made the remarks during a visit to Britain when he told British officials he was not seeking a military confrontation with Iran and was instead aiming for direct talks with Tehran over his plan to negotiate and broaden the country’s nuclear deal.

Tensions between Tehran and Washington escalated again after the US accused Iran of being responsible for the attacks on two oil tankers in the Sea of Oman on Thursday.

The attacks on the Marshal Islands-flagged Front Altair and the Panama-flagged Japanese-owned Kokuka Courageous sent shock waves throughout the world.

In an interview on Fox News on Friday, Trump blamed Iran for the attack without providing any solid evidence, as did Pompeo, a day before.

Russia and China, however, warned against reaching hasty conclusions, arguing that a thorough investigation should be carried out into the incidents.

Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said Sunday that the United States may have carried out false-flag operations or acts of sabotage against the oil tankers to blame them on Iran and pressure Tehran.

Source: Iran Press

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