Italian coalition leaders keep sniping even after PM ultimatum

Young journalists club

News ID: 40349
Publish Date: 16:19 - 04 June 2019
TEHRAN, Jun 4 - Italy's coalition leaders professed loyalty to the government on Tuesday after Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte threatened to quit if they did not stop feuding, but the two ruling parties kept up their mutual recriminations.

Italian coalition leaders keep sniping even after PM ultimatumTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Conte told reporters on Monday he would resign unless the right-wing League and anti-establishment 5-Star Movement did not put aside their many differences and resume work on enacting an agreed policy program.

Both League leader Matteo Salvini and his 5-Star counterpart Luigi Di Maio said on Tuesday they wanted to continue working together.

However, underscoring the deep-seat rancor, a 5-Star minister accused the League of plotting to collapse the year-old government, while Salvini set an ultimatum of his own.

"If I realize after a couple of weeks that we are still saying the same things, with the same delays and the same postponements, then we would have a problem," Salvini, who serves as deputy prime minister, told RTL radio.

Relations between the two coalition parties deteriorated dramatically in the build-up to last month's EU parliamentary election, which saw the League become Italy's most popular party while the 5-Star lost half its support in barely a year.

Since the vote, Salvini has been behaving as the defacto prime minister, promising major tax cuts and demanding changes to European Union budget rules that impose limits on the amount of debt and deficits governments can run up.

In particularly pointed comments, Conte said on Monday Italy would have to respect EU fiscal rules until it managed to change them, effectively telling Salvini that Rome could not afford the sort of spending splurge he has promised voters.

Source: Reuters

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